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M a c r o M a y h e M

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Duke on the outs?!!

I've got this bit o news that has shown up twice to my notes...

Duke may not run for relection - may resign.

Decline to run: http://atrios.blogspot.com/2005_07_10_atrios_archive.html#112137698937194185


I'll update when I know more.

Update: I arrived late to the press confrence at Cal State San Marcos for U.S. Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham, but the people hung around for comments and photo ops.

The Verdict... Randy "Duke" Cunningham will not run for re-election. No new comments were made about the investigations, and no plans were made for resignation.

Pictures from the event.

After said event.

Local politician Ron Packard was present.

Media Melee!

A woman who cried some.

This man flew with Duke... Navy Supporter.

Staff and supporters.

Extra points if you can name any of them!!!


  • The Dukestir. Alright. Dukorama. The Dukenator. Duken around. Checkin out. Duke-u-later.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:00 PM  

  • Now, I know why they called him Randy "Duck and Cover" Cunningham.

    By Blogger macromayhem, at 5:57 PM  

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