Good news from Irregular times...
Well, wouldn’t you know it, the sharks of the Republican Party are already circling around Mr. Cunningham, their dear old chum. I’m counting 7 GOP politicians who have lined up their wagons to run for Cunningham’s seat just in case he bites the dust - although none of them have made the challenge official yet. The wiser voters in California’s 50th congressional district will look at these Republican politicians with an extra critical eye, given their close connections with Cunningham and the clear failure of the Republican Party in their area to provide them with a candidate who has the kind of integrity voters deserve. Take a look at the local GOP’s history, for crying out loud - they’ve been lining up behind Cunningham for years, giving him as much help as he wanted, no matter how he betrayed ordinary voters.
There’s one person who is standing up for true integrity for voters in California’s 50th district: Democrat Francine Busby. Way back before the story of Congressman Cunningham’s apparent corruption broke, it was Francine Busby who was standing up to Cunningham and calling for a more positive vision and more responsible leadership.
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