The two faces of Cunningham...perspective vs reality
Now confronted with his own troubles, Cunningham walks the Capitol halls briskly, press spokesman Mark Olson close at his side. When approached by reporters, he hurries on, tightening his lips and shaking his head, indicating his refusal to talk about his MZM ties.
Publicly, his Republican colleagues are supportive, calling Cunningham a man of "integrity" and "courage." Ed Patru, spokesman for the Republican National Congressional Committee, said Cunningham's recent statement makes it "pretty clear that he's willing to cooperate fully with any and all investigations, and . . . I think that's not typical for people who have something to hide."
Now confronted with his own troubles, Cunningham walks the Captial halls briskly...
..."integrity" and "courage"...
...tightning his lips and shaking his head,...
...he's willing to cooperate fully with any and all investigations...
...I think that's not typical for people who have something to hide...
...indicating his refusal to talk...
How disconnected could this sound? I' m sorry, but there is perspective and reality. Perspective of integrity and courage is NOT refusing to talk. It's the reality of real problems.
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